Wednesday, October 14, 2009


We are expecting!!

Here's how it all went down:

I haven’t been on the pill since before the wedding so we knew it was just a matter of time. Then I had that cyst erupt on my ovary causing me not to have a period a couple of months ago so that didn’t help and we just stopped keeping track of my ovulation days. Then when I got my period again we tracked it and found the two “most important” days and made sure some magic happened and then just went about our business. So we kinda planned kinda didn’t. but for the past week I’ve been really hungry, constipated (TMI I know), bloated, nauseated and all that mess so I was like uhhhh I think something is going on here!

Then I was supposed to start Wednesday but I figured I’d give it another day and Justin and I decided we’d take a test Friday morning. so I woke up like every hour waiting to see if it was time to get up and take the test. Finally I got up at 6:00 and took it and layed back down and told justin I took the test. Then he asked if I wanted to go with him to see the results and I said no you look. So he went in there and said what am I looking for? And I said two pink lines. He said well, then I suggest you not drink anytime soon!

I was like SHUT UP! And ran in to look at it and it was like BOLD PINK lines lol. I was so excited I started jumping around and was like freakin out. lol justin had like a perma grin on his face and he took me to breakfast since we were up soooo early lol.

I called Mama first and she answered the phone by saying " You are." and I said "I am" my mama knows me so well even hundreds of miles away. Then i sent a picture message of the test with a note saying " I passed the test.......shhhhhhh" to a few of my friends and called the rest later in the day. Too many people to call. But we had to keep it under wraps and not on the internet because we hadn't told his parents just yet. I found out i was expecting Friday and Justin and his dad went out of town Saturday for the Panthers Redskins game for the weekend!

So i had to will myself not to get on Facebook and announce it or to blurt it to Justins mom when i saw her throughout the weekend while the boys were gone. It was sooooo hard! So we devised a plan on how we would tell them when everyone was back in town and the plan was that we were going to make shirts that said "I'm the big brother" and have Cole and Irey wearing one and see if they got it and also i got a bib that said" I love grandma" and an empty baby bottle that said BABY on it.

Dara came over to keep me company Saturday while Justin was gone and we made the shirts....well Dara made the shirts. She made one 100% perfect the other....not so much...

Haha, she felt so bad. I thought it was pretty funny actually. LOL so anyways, Monday finally came and we were supposed to have his parents over for dinner and devise our plan to tell them before dinner time, however, Ann and i both ended up sick and in bed! So last night they came over for dinner and the boys came up with the plan of how to tell them. We wanted to make sure they felt important in the hole thing. ( I also got them a book about being big brothers to a baby- Irey read it to Cole- very cute!)

They decided to wear their shirts under another shirt and to make them close their eyes and hold out their hands and they would give them to bottle- to Gary and the bib- to Ann and then take their outer shirts off to reveal the "I'm a big brother".

Well, the boys plan went well, howeve, Ann didn't get it at first- she put the bib on herself. lol- she thought it was just one of those dollar store- the kid picks out the gifts type of silly thing. Then she saw the shirts and then she saw Gary holding a baby bottle and i think it started to click. She was like....are yall trying to tell me something??? And Gary was like well im holding an empty baby bottle and im pretty sure its not for any of us Ann. And Cole said I'm going to be a big brother and again, she said, are yall trying to tell me something?? and we said yes, we are having a baby! She was like..............IM GOING TO BE A BLOOD GRANDMA?!?!?!

It was very exciting. I'm glad now the cat is out of the bag. i was able to post it on Facebook and almost everyone knows....except my work. I plan to tell them after I go to the doctor on November 6th. I will have an ultrasound and an apt with a MidWife. I plan to see both a MidWife and Doctor to see which is best for us. Previously with the boys i only had a doctor and didn't really know what a MidWife was. Dara is going to be our Doula. :)

So now there is 6 in our just keeps getting bigger :)

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