Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cole Man

Cole, the sweetest lil thing. He has his grandparents wrapped around his little finger! They think he can do no wrong, with those big brown eyes and long lashes... Well I know the truth! He could care less about "things" he is just extremely easy going and loves people and has never met a stranger. Cole also played baseball this summer, however, it was only because Irey was doing it and because he could get a snack after the game and a trophy at the end of the season. He would have much rather been on "Playground Patrol" than on the team! But he stayed in there through the entire season, it was pretty interesting the ways people would bribe him to get him to stay out there....candy, gum, pizza, sleep overs, etc. But I think he had a pretty fun time anyways. He's happy to be at "Big Boy" school now, as am I! The first two weeks were pretty rough for him. Funny but Rough. He got checks (checks are bad) daily for various things like, talking to much, running, standing in his chair, disrupting class with barnyard noises, and slapping himself to try and get a girl to laugh..........we had a little come to Jesus talk with him and a giggle, and all is well with him now. He's adjusting.

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