Tuesday, December 8, 2009

In need of some uplifting...

I have been through soooo many different crazy situations in my short lifetime and claim to be a pretty wise individual because of those sometimes horendous situations, however, hormones can take over your mind and control you like a robot. Or just make you cry. Today, they just made me cry. I am not a cryer or a particularly emotional person, however, news from my boss brought me to tears. Now, really there was no need to cry but never-the-less tears flowed. And when comforted by co-workers more flowed.......

It is a struggle weekly at my place of employement. Every week we are hit by one peice of bad news or another. This week, the powers that be have decided to change our pay schedule and pay two weeks behind instead of one, therefore in January we will be without 1/2 of one of my paychecks. :( Not fun. I know things always happen for a reason and the He will provide and honeslty always has, but I still am shaken and upset by this entire ordeal. My sweet hubs is up for Promo in January and praying he gets it. He soooo deserves it.

I know and have faith that all work out the way it should be, but for now, I'll just cry.

Ok, no more tears for today. I will not cry anymore today. I will watch movies and eat cookies with my kids and all will be right in the world again ;)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Krissy, this time last year we had just moved into a new house and were expecting a new baby in just a couple of months. Rob was supposed to get a promotion and pay raise in January, but instead, they laid off a bunch of people and cut everyone else's salary by 10%. It was very unnerving to say the least. But in the past year GOD HAS PROVIDED!!!! I don't know if you've ever noticed the verse on my blog, but that is kind of my family's theme. Rob is STILL on salary reduction, but we have made it just fine. Y'all will too!!!

  3. Thanks Rozanne! Good to know someone whose been there and has survived it :) You are so encouraging!
