Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wow its been a little while

Well, it has been a little bit since i updated but things have been busy and for whatever reason i couldn't get on blogger to update the other day. Anyhow...

Decemeber 31st: Justin and I went to the doctor for a check up and to hear babys heartbeat- i just love that- Justin got to hear it for the first time and it was awesome. Doctor says baby and I are doing great, I only gained 2 pounds since my last visit so that's a definate plus! See most of my friends are so annoyed because they have pretty much hanious preganacies with sickness, fatigue, the hole 9- but me- not so much. I am pretty much the picture of health. Nothing really has changed about me while i am pregnant- and it has been that way during each pregnancy. See what my friends dont realize is that i have side effects of being pregnant as well only they are sickness and the normal things- i gain weight and ALOT of weight but otherwise am in perfect health- no diabetes nothing like that. So that is my pregnancy struggle. But this time i am trying to be better and watch myself more b/c i really don't want to be a whale again. so 2 lbs is an awesome thing! While all of my friends pop out their babies and still look like models. So if the worst thing that happens to me is i gain weight - then so be it! He said that the baby is probably about 5- 6 inches from head to rump and my uterus is the size of a cantalope!

Later that morning my boss called me and actually asked me to come in to work! so i did and banked some time for some free time off later in the month---the 28th to be exact when we find out the babies gender!!!! woo hoo

Justin worked late and then took a coworker home so he wouldn't have to walk in the cold and got home about 11:00 - we cleaned some things up and put things in the attic- (Christmas stuff) and then waited about 10 minutes for "NEW YEARS" at midnight- then 12:02am we were in bed lol. We are such party animals.

January 1: we got up and started running arrends. We went to target and got our crib! Well actually we went to one target witht he intention of getting the crib but they didn't have it in stock so they sent us to a different target and i found one there i liked better AND was on sale! So we got it & paid CASH! what a good feeling that was- thanks to Mama for our Christmas money! After that we met Dara and Kayleigh for some brunch and picked up the changing table that she is letting us borrow :o)

We went to Home Depot to try and find some new hardware for the chest of drawers we have but with no luck! They don't carry 3 1/2 inch drawer pulls anymore! how crazy is that! so i think i am going to start scowering goodwill for a new one that we can refinish for the baby.

Then we dropped the crib off and loaded up the double bed from guest room/ babies new room, and took that over to my dad's so they can use it until we need it again. then came back home and played games with the boys, well i played with Irey and little did i know- Justin and Cole were upstairs putting the crib together!!!

That's pretty much the only exciting things we've done lately- more to come :)

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